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LampLight Studio

About was created in 2001 as a way to explore the art scene in Saint Louis, Missouri. It is a personal effort and, for me, it has worked pretty well.

I use it primarly to interact with other artists. It gives me an excuse to bum around the web looking at local artwork. When I meet an artist, I already have some idea of what they are doing. If I find an interesting site, I make a point of seeing the artists' work. Sometimes they find me by submitting their site to this page. My memory has the shelf life of ripe bananas and this site helps me remember who does what.

In addition to my interest in local artists, there are many other things important to visual art in Saint Louis: Museums, gallerys, art groups, and event listing services. This directory helps support those efforts. I am proud of the rich environment for visual art in Saint Louis. offers a glimpse of what we can do. owned and operated by myself, Rob Miller, for your viewing pleasure. Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Please consider adding us to your links.

If you are involved in visual arts in the Saint Louis area, Please submit your web site for a free listing in our directory. Only domain name listings, one listing per site please. Your e-mail is not added to the directory. It is only needed to let you know when you have been added.

Artist's Name:
Web Site (required):
Section you wish to be posted in
Short Description of Site:

Listing your site on this directory is encouraged and reciprocal links are appreciated.

Copyright 2009 Rob Miller. All Rights Reserved